Children’s Day, Book Day (CDBD), in Spanish, El día de los niños, el día de los libros, is a year-long celebration of all our children and of motivating them and their families to be readers, essential in our democracy.
CDBD, also known as Día: this literacy initiative is a collaboration of libraries, schools, literacy and family organizations, foundations, colleges, universities, companies and readers creatively striving to share bookjoy and its importance. Culminating April Children’s Day, Book Day celebrations that unite communities, April book fiestas, are held in libraries, schools, homes, parks, etc., often on or near April 30th.
25th Anniversary Q & A with Pat Mora
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Children's Day, Book Day Supporters
Children's Day, Book Day FAQ
History of Children's Day, Book Day
Download 2021 press release
Pat reads Book Fiesta! Celebrate Children's Day/Book Day, Celebremos El día de los niños/El día de los libros:
Resources to Share
Children's Day, Book Day Supporters
Children's Day, Book Day FAQ
History of Children's Day, Book Day
Download 2021 press release