Water Rolls, Water Rises is a 2015 Riverby Award winner
We’re happy to announce that Water Rolls, Water Rises/El agua rueda, el agua sube has been honored with a John Burroughs Riverby Award!
The award was established in 1988 and is named for the home of literary naturalist John Burroughs (1837-1921). A pioneer of nature study, Burroughs was one of America’s most widely read authors at the turn of the 20th century. Recognizing Burroughs’ efforts to awaken interest in young naturalists, the Association selects books that present perceptive and artistic accounts of direct experiences in the world of nature. As one juror describes it “the John Burroughs Riverby award-winning books demonstrate a respect for nature, accuracy of information, and quality of prose and illustrations that make them stand out from other books.”