Pat Speaks in Las Vegas & Writes About Día States
Over a thousand visitors since April 1 at our first Díapalooza! Wow! Laurina Cashin who is coordinating this project and I are really smiling. I smiled lots this month as I participated in Día events in Galveston, Corpus Christi, Las Vegas, Nevada, and when I chatted about Día with dedicated librarians at the Texas Library Association (TLA). In Corpus Christi, I had the honor of reading from my work for adults at the Texas A & M English Department and of speaking about Sharing Bookjoy (and Día) at a reading and literacy conference on campus. I met inspiring librarians and teachers in Las Vegas, NV, thanks to the commitment of Mary Nelson Brown, Youth Services Coordinator for the County Library District. Mary believes that we want children and families reading all year long, and that Día is an important annual celebration of family reading. Mary and her team are thinking about how to grow relevant literacy celebrations throughout the city. Are your schools and libraries planning to work together to promote your community as a reading community?

Flo, Trujillo, one of our Día Dynamos, promotes Día throughout New Mexico and secures a Día proclamation from the Governor. Freda Mosquera is doing this same important work in Florida. The California State Library promotes Día state-wide as does the Texas Library Association. Know of any other states who promote Día state-wide?

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