Introducing the Cover of Bookjoy, Wordjoy
Later this year Lee & Low Books will release Bookjoy, Wordjoy, a collection of Pat’s poems that celebrates engaging with words and books. Bookjoy, Wordjoy is illustrated by Raul Colón with captivating images in a style influenced by Mexican muralists. We’re excited to share the beautiful cover:
Raul previously illustrated Pat’s Tomás and the Library Lady and Doña Flor: A Tall Tale about a Giant Woman with a Great Big Heart. You can read more about his process for Bookjoy, Wordjoy on this blog post at Latinxs in Kid Lit.
Pat’s previous poetry collections for children are Yum! ¡Mmm! ¡Qué Rico! America’s Sproutings, Confetti: Poems for Children, and This Big Sky.

Interior scene from Bookjoy, Wordjoy
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