A Classroom Idea for Celebrating National Adoption Awareness Month
Mrs. Brittania Wright (2018-2019 Douglas County Teacher of the Year!) from Willis Road Elementary School in Georgia wrote:
Each month this year, we are focusing on diversity of different kinds. Each grade level receives two copies of a book that our committee chose in order to create a common language amongst our students and staff. This is our first year doing this project.
For November, we focused on National Adoption Month and we chose your book Pablo’s Tree. Each classroom read the story and had class discussions. I sent home blank copies of bells to all of our families and asked them to decorate them for their child to show how much each child means for their family and for us to display to show how much they mean to our school. Our tree is gorgeous and full of so much love and diversity. Thank you for this book. It has been a wonderful conversation starter with our students.