2013 International Latino Book Award, Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book
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The Beautiful Lady: Our Lady of Guadalupe
Knopf Books for Young Readers, illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher
Available as an e-book: For Kindle For Nook
Download a hi-res jpeg of the book jacket.
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La hermosa Señora: Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Knopf Books for Young Readers/Dragonfly Books
Available as an e-book: For Kindle For Nook
Download a hi-res jpeg of the book jacket.
See some images of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Visit Pat's Pinterest board for Our Lady of Guadalupe
Every December, Grandma Lupita tells Rose the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As they make paper flowers together to put around her statue, Grandma begins: Long ago, on a cold December morning near what is now Mexico City, a man named Juan Diego put on his cloak and started down the road...
On his way, Juan Diego sees a beautiful Lady surrounded by light, her cloak shining with stars. She tells him to go to the bishop and ask that a special church be built just for her.
But Juan Diego is not a rich or influential man. How will he convince the bishop that la hermosa Señora has appeared to him? And when the bishop demands proof, how can Juan Diego ask the kind Lady for a sign?
The miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the best-known manifestation of the Virgin Mary in the Americas. Renowned author Pat Mora and the award-winning Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher bring this story-dearly loved in Mexico and around the world-to young readers with inviting, lyrical prose and stunningly rich illustrations.
En Español: 
Cada diciembre, abuelita Lupita le cuenta a Rosa la historia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Mientras ambas hacen flores de papel para colocar alrededor de su estatua, abuelita comienza: Hace mucho tiempo, durante una fría mañana de diciembre, cerca de lo que hoy es la Ciudad de México, un señor llamado Juan Diego se puso su tilma y comenzó a caminar...
Durante su camino, Juan Diego se encuentra con una hermosa Señora rodeada de luz, cuyo manto cubierto de estrellas, brilla. Ella le pide que visite al obispo y le diga que construya una iglesia en su nombre.
Pero Juan Diego no es un hombre rico o con influencia. ¿Cómo podrá convenceral obispo que la hermosa Señora apareció frente a él? Y cuando el obispo le exige una prueba, ¿cómo podrá Juan Diego pedirle una seña a la Señora?
El milagro de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es la manifestación de la Virgen María más conocida de las Américas. La célebre autora Pat Mora, junto con los premiados ilustradores Steve Johnson y Lou Fancher traen esta historia tan querida en México y el resto del mundo a los lectores pequeños por medio de una prosa lírica que invita a la lectura e ilustraciones impresionantes de colores intensos.
Highlighted Reviews
"The author pays loving tribute to Mexico’s Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, the most noted appearance of the Virgin Mary in the Americas, framing this story with a family’s sharing traditions surrounding the celebration of her feast day, December 12. Grandma Lupita and her granddaughters create yellow, orange, and red paper roses and bake rose cookies to commemorate Our Lady’s appearance to a poor man in the hills near Mexico City in 1531. A jewel-toned palette presents both expressive faces and the warmth of Mexican mountain landscapes. The story moves with ease from full-page illustrations of a contemporary family to the narrated story; patterned frames surround scenes from the historical tale while a folk-art motif dances across the page under the text. An author’s note explains the history and tradition of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A respectful balance of religion, history, and faith that begins with a child’s questioning voice."—School Library Journal
"Regardless of your beliefs, the tale of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a fascinating one, and Mora gives it a warm treatment befitting the beloved material. A framing device aims the story at young readers: two little girls look at a small statue of the Virgin Mary and ask Grandma Lupita, "Who's that pretty lady?" So begins the tale: Juan Diego, the humble Aztec villager who, in December 1531, encountered a beautiful, floating woman who asked him to get the local bishop to build her a church. After the bishop demanded proof, the woman revealed to Diego a field of roses blooming despite the snow. When Diego unfolded his cloak to show the bishop the flowers, the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was miraculously imprinted upon the cactus-fiber cloth. Mora approaches the story without tricks, using simple, delicate language, while Johnson and Fancher employ aged-looking earth-toned paintings and surround them with patterned borders when depicting the past. A two-page author's note fleshes out the tale and describes Our Lady's continuing influence."—Booklist
A Prayer Basket
Do you believe in the power of prayer? And do you have trouble at times remembering the people and issues you wish to pray for? I do. Some years back, my dear friend Father Murray Bodo who has given me many good ideas, suggested a prayer practice. In a basket, he puts slips of paper on which he has written the names of those he wants to pray for or for his current intentions. During his daily time for reflection, he can hold the basket rather than focusing on a memory exercise.
A basket for Our Lady of Guadalupe seems a wonderful practice. You may prefer another spiritual power to whom you wish to entrust your prayers and hopes. Life is both joyful and hard. It's comforting to entrust our concerns to powers greater than ours.